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Marketing Mission to Tianjin and Zhejiang, China: Student Recruitment and Partnership Development

British Council marketing missions are specifically designed for UK universities looking to explore market and partnership opportunities in promising tier two cities in China. UK universities are invited to participate in the British Council’s Marketing Mission to Tianjin and Zhejiang from 22 to 29 March 2018.

The 2018 British Council Marketing Mission will provide a platform for participating UK universities to explore potential recruitment focused and partnership opportunities with universities in Tianjin and Zhejiang. The marketing mission will focus on recruitment of prospective Chinese students and the raising of participating institutions brand profiles in China through media and digital channels. The mission will take place at a time when Chinese students will begin making their study abroad decisions for September 2018. This year’s mission is in partnership with the Tianjin Municipal Education Commission and the Education Department of Zhejiang Province.

Proposed programme in Tianjin



21 March Wednesday,


17:00-18:00 Briefing to UK institutions by the British Council

22 March Thursday,


Market briefing and partnership meeting

08:30-09:00 Registration

09:00-10:20 Opening and market briefing

10:20-10:40 Tea break

10:40-12:30 Partnership discussions, including 1-to-1 meetings based on pre-event mapping of areas of interest

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-17:00 1-to-1 meetings

23 March 



Institution promotion and campus presentation in Tianjin

09:00-09:30 Departure for a local university

09:30-10:30 Presentation to students at a local university

10:30-11:30 Interactive discussions on topics of interest to the students

11:30-12:00 Q&A or individual counselling sessions with interested students; and distribution of promotional materials.

14:00-17:00 Campus presentation at a local university: programme same as above

Evening       Departure

23 to 30 March

Social media campaign

Each participating institution will be offered one promotional post through British Council social media platforms (Study UK WeChat + Study UK Weibo).

* Please note that the above is a draft itinerary and is subject to change

Proposed programme in Hangzhou and Ningbo, Zhejiang province



26 March



17:00-18:00 Briefing to UK institutions by the British Council

27 March



Market briefing and partnership meeting

08:30-09:00 Registration

09:00-10:20 Opening Ceremony

  • Welcome speech by Zhejiang Education Department and the British Council
  • Briefing of Zhejiang’s education market by Zhejiang Education Department

10:20-10:40  Tea break

10:40-12:30 Partnership discussions, including 1-to-1 meetings based on pre-event mapping of areas of interest

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-17:00 Partnership discussions, including 1-to-1 meetings based on pre-event mapping of areas of interest

28 March



Institution promotion and campus presentation in Hangzhou

09:00-09:30 Departure for a local university

09:30-10:30 Presentation to students at a local university

10:30-11:30 Interactive discussions on topics of interest to the students

11:30-12:00 Q&A or individual counselling sessions with interested students; and distribution of promotional materials.

14:00-17:00 Campus presentation at a local university: programme same as above

Evening       Departure

29 March



Institution promotion and campus presentation in Ningbo

09:00- 09:30 Departure for a local university

09:30- 10:30 Presentation to students

10:30-11:30 Interactive discussions on topics of interest to the students

11:30-12:00 Q&A or individual counselling sessions with interested students; and distribution of promotional materials.

14:00 – 17:00 Campus presentation: programme same as above

23 to 30 March

Social media campaign

Each participating institution will be offered one promotional post through British Council social media platforms (Study UK WeChat + Study UK Weibo).

* Please note that the above is a draft itinerary and is subject to change.


Tianjin borders Beijing and Hebei province and is only half an hour by train from Beijing. Tianjin is one of the four municipalities under direct administration of the central government. Tianjin's GDP reached 1.8 trillion yuan in 2016 ranking it fifth on the list of Chinese cities by GDP, behind Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Tianjin Municipal government and HE institutions in Tianjin see internationalisation as a key development plan for improving the quality of higher education and vocational education. 20 Higher Education institutions in Tianjin have expressed interest in establishing TNE partnerships with the UK across a wide range of subject areas.

Participation Institutions in Tianjin


Nankai University


Tianjin University


Tianjin Normal University


Tianjin Medical University


Tianjin University of Science and Technology


Tianjin Polytechnic University


Tianjin University of Commerce


Tianjin University of Technology and Education


Tianjin University of Finance and Economics


Tianjin University of Technology


Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine


Tianjin Foreign Studies University


Tianjin Chengjian University


Tianjin Conservatory of Music


Tianjin University of Sports


Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts


Tianjin Agricultural University


Tianjin Open University


Tianjin Aviation University


Tianjin Sino-German University of Applied Sciences



Zhejiang province is an economic powerhouse in China and in 2016 saw GDP growth of 7.5% to 4.6 trillion yuan, ranking its total provincial GDP as fourth in the country. From 2010 to 2015 Zhejiang province invested 80 billion into the development of its Higher Education sector. Between 2016 and 2020 the government plans to invest over 100 billion RMB into HE development.

The provincial government and HE institutions in Zhejiang see internationalisation as an essential part of improving the quality of Higher Education in Zhejiang. The province has a strong base of UK TNE links and has dedicated funds to strengthen priority subjects in five key institutions through the development of international partnerships and is also in the process of implementing the Key University Construction Plan for 12 universities of which internationalisation is a key component.

15 HE institutions in Zhejiang have expressed a specific interest in establishing TNE and/or articulation partnerships with UK institutions across a range of subject areas, including creative arts (fine arts/innovative design/fashion/digital media), materials science and environmental engineering, forestry, agriculture and food science, nursing / medical / pharmaceutical / life science etc. Currently Zhejiang has two Ministry of Education approved joint institutions and 10 joint programmes with UK higher education institutions. 

Participating Institutions in Zhejiang


China Academy of Art


Zhejiang University of Tech


Zhejiang Normal University


Ningbo University


Zhejiang Sci-Tech University


Hangzhou Dianzi University


Zhejiang Gongshang University


Zhejiang Chinese Medical University


Zhejiang Ocean University


Zhejiang A&F University


Wenzhou Medical University


Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics


Zhejiang University of Science and Technology


Hangzhou Normal University


Wenzhou University


Action Required

Interested UK universities are invited to consider the list of Chinese institutions and to highlight those institutions that they are most interested in meeting. The British Council will, as far as possible, organise meetings and campus presentations based on these preferences.

Confirmed UK universities will be invited to join a conference call with British Council staff to discuss the opportunities and desired outcomes, and to ensure that the mission meets expectations.

Participation Fee

  • Tianjin:  £1,200 +VAT
  • Zhejiang (Hangzhou and Ningbo): £1,700 +VAT

The fee will cover programme planning, coordination of meetings, comprehensive briefings for the participating UK universities and logistical support throughout the programme.

Please note the participation fee will not cover domestic or international travel, accommodation, subsistence or freight.

How to Apply

Please complete the attached application form and send it to siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 1 February 2018.

Please note: places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.