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MARA College (Vocational and Technical Division) is seeking a programme partner

MARA College (Vocational and Technical Division) is seeking for a UK partner university to host their students for short term programme. The College will also consider working with this partner to develop future course syllabus to allow its students to further their education at the UK institution. 

Short term programme

  • The College will fully sponsor 5 or more students to complete the academic programme at the selected UK campus
  • Duration of programme: 3-6 months (can be discussed with the College)
  • Very likely to be tailor-made programme that focuses on Industrial Revolution 4.0's subject areas such as Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Engineering, etc
  • Ideally, the programme syllabus could incorporate industry experience i.e. job shadowing, workplace visit, sharing by experts (due to restriction posed by Visa, working/interning is not possible for short term programme)
  • The programme might also need to incorporate English support programme (see reason below, under Considerations section)

Long term partnership

The short term programme will be evaluated. If it is successful, the selected UK institution will be working with the College to design its course structure and syllabus, allowing their future sponsored Diploma students to complete their Degree in the UK. 

Value for UK institutions

  • Potential long term partnership. UK institution could expect guaranteed number of students coming to your campus every year.
  • Potential brand awareness opportunity in Malaysia. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) partnerships are rare in Malaysia. Such partnership would be interesting for the Malaysian media. 


  • Although the sponsored students might be academically excellent in the MARA College (Vocational and Technical Division), their English proficiency is low. According to the College, their English proficiency level is equivalent to IELTS Band 5. English support will be expected for these sponsored students. 
  • Interested UK institutions are encouraged to refer to the College's website to understand its courses and syllabus to do basic mapping. 
  • The College is required by its Board to work only with top ranking universities. For any interested institutions, please provide your ranking information. (see instruction at Action Required section)

Action Required

Any interested institution, please email Tiu at kianwee.tiu@britishcouncil.org.my. Please include the following information:

a. Your subjects related to IR4.0 and their ranking 

b. Your institution's overall ranking