Malaysia: University College in Penang seeking partners

An established university college in Penang is seeking interested UK universities to collaborate in the delivery of their programmes in the following areas:

• Subjects : Hospitality, Tourism, Culinary Arts
• Type of partnerships: Articulation and dual award arrangements for both undergraduate degree and masters degree

The University College was first established in 1983 as a college, awarded the university college status in 2010. The University College is registered with the Ministry of Higher Education and its courses are accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency. The University College also received a 6-star rating by the Ministry of Education’s 2014/2015 MyQuest rating system.

Action Required

Interested UK institutions should send an expression of interest to June Lo by 10 January 2017. Institutions should preferably include a short one-pager on their institution and links to the course(s) they propose for partnership. This will be forwarded to the local university for their review.