Looking to reach more students in East Asia?

We’re delighted to announce that we are now able to offer an exclusive opportunity for SIEM-registered UK Institutions to advertise in our student e-Newsletters. EducationUK in East Asia recently launched bi-monthly student e-newsletters in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia (including Brunei), Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam, and we have seen a steady rise in subscribers each month.

Our newsletters have a readership of over 43,500 students in East Asia, from all academic fields. Our newsletter open rates average 25% in a region where on average 67.3 people out of one hundred have access to the internet. The average open rate figure in the UK (91.6/100 people with internet access) for Education messages is 20% (Econsultancy, 2016). Our click-through rates often perform considerably better than the industry standard. We also have strong social networks in the region and promote our newsletter via social media channels to ensure the widest reach for your advert.

The newsletters are so popular because they contain everything potential students need to know about studying in the UK. We showcase study options in the UK, practical advice on living, accommodation, visas and also include exciting places to visit, cultural experiences and adventures. We like to prepare students for life after study too and so include possible career paths after completion of a UK degree, scholarships, and alumni success stories (submit yours). All of our newsletter subscribers have registered to receive information about UK study opportunities through our website, exhibitions and events.


Education UK Newsletter Reach

Database size and open and click rates for previous letters are as follows. 

Reach figures for July 2016 issues:
Country Number of recipients

Open rate

Click rate
Hong Kong 6,338 Re-launch August


15% 8%
Japan 1,379 45% 17%
Korea 768 First edition August
Malaysia + Brunei 6,884 First edition August
Philippines 833 27% 22%
Singapore 2,806 First edition August
Taiwan 1,401 23% 14%
Thailand 7,576 First edition August
Vietnam 4,676 17% 13%


Reach potential students

Place your advertisement in the Education UK e-newsletter by the 15th of each month for the following month. Your advertisement could highlight new courses at your institution, scholarships, new sessions or specific subjects, your campus, offers for international students and local events like pre-departure briefings or opportunities to meet your staff in country.  Each bi-monthly issue runs 1 x display advert and 2 x advertorials that are allocated on a first come, first served basis.


Display Advert

Image (72dpi, 600px x 74px) plus link


Image  (72dpi, 195px x 113px) plus link plus 50 words free text (exclusive of 40 character title)


Rate Card

Countries Cost in GBP (UK VAT extra)
  Display Advertisement: Advertorial Advertisement:
Japan/Korea/Singapore/Taiwan/Vietnam £300 £400
Hong Kong/Indonesia/Malaysia/Thailand £400 £500


Discount offers

Number of Countries Discount
2 Countries 10%
3 Countries 15%
4 Countries 20%
All countries 25%



Action Required

For enquiries and bookings please email Steve Corry at steven.corry@britishcouncil.org.hk and cc bc-siem@britishcouncil.org.hk

Newsletters Regional Media Pack.pdf396.83 KB