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Local Malaysian University seeking collaborations with UK institutions

A local college in Malaysia is seeking collaborations with UK institutions, which may include fully franchised (3+0), dual award and partly franchised agreement. Possible collaboration models sought by the college include:

  1. Fully-franchised model (3+0) in the area of Business, Digital Communication, Early Childhood Education and IT
  2. Dual Award in Business programmes
  3. Articulation agreements (1+2)

About the institution
The local university was founded by a group of scholars with extensive experience in local and international universities in April 1984. The university is registered with the Ministry of Higher Education and its courses, under the Malaysian Qualifications Authority. Armed with a track record of 34 years of education excellence, the college went through some upgrades and officially been awarded ‘University’ status in 2016. The university has around 3,000 students at the moment, in which 25% of the total number of its students are undertaking a Business degree. Operating under the purview of the University is a college arm and thus, the university would like to seek for fully-franchised collaborations to be delivered under this college arm.

Action Required

UK universities interested in this opportunity should contact: pooifun.cheong@britishcouncil.org.my by 30 November 2018.