
The latest education market news from our UK and local country staff and from selected external sources, focusing on issues affecting UK education, from changes to higher education policy and student visa procedures, to competitor analysis and media coverage.

Hong Kong students electing to avoid Advanced Math and Science

According to a study just completed that is covered by the South China
East Asia

Gov't cuts 2017 growth forecast to 2.6%

The government cut its 2017 growth forecast to 2.6 percent from 3 percent on 29 December, the first time it has cut its...
East Asia

Malaysia: Amendment to Certificate of Legal Practice (CLP) entry requirements

The Legal Profession Qualifying Board (LPQB) of Malaysia has recently amended their entry requirements to the...
East Asia

"Building Universities' Reputation" Conference

We wish to send you information about the conference "Building Universities' Reputation", organised by University of...

UK students applying to Spanish Universities

Of interest to Universities and Sixth Form Schools

India will have 600 million Internet Users by 2020

A study has recently concluded that internet users in India will increase to 600 million from the current 343 users by...
South Asia

Government of Pakistan to open 10 new universities

10 new universities will be established across several provinces in Pakistan which include Gilgit Baltistan, Bannu,...
South Asia

USA: Call for Conference Session Proposals - International ACAC and NACAC

The National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC) and the International Association for College...

City Insights - An introduction to the characteristics and opportunities of six Indian cities

This report provides insights into the economic, education and entrepreneurship trends of six Indian cities - Ahmedabad...
South Asia

Population to halve in 100 years

The country's population is expected to decrease by half by 2115. Four out of 10 Koreans will be aged 65 or older.
East Asia
