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Join “Study UK promotion campaign 2020” hosted by Vietnam National Television on Education

In order to provide UK institutions with an innovative brand positioning opportunity in the Vietnam market and push student recruitment for September intake 2020, British Council Vietnam is going to organize a “Study UK promotion campaign” in seven months (January – July) 2020 in collaboration with VTV7 - the Vietnam National Television Channel on Education.

A brief introduction about our media partner:

- VTV 7 is the producer of the TV show “IELTS Face-off”, the hottest TV show in Vietnam focusing on IELTS studying and overseas study opportunities

- Target audience of the TV show “IELTS Face-off”: 15–28 year old students and young professionals planning to study overseas

- The TV show also reaches its target audience further through multiple digital platforms: Facebook (270,000 followers); YouTube (260,000 subscribers); Instagram (32,000 followers).

The Study UK promotion campaign hosted by the TV show “IELTS Face-off” will include three programmes as below:


About the programme

Benefits to UK institutions

Expected media reach

Participation fee

Deadline for application

1. “Study UK 101” TV show


This programme includes a filming trip to the UK in January 2020 and a series of six TV segments promoting UK institutions in the TV show “IELTS Face-off” to be broadcast from March to April 2020.


Please find below the Concept Note of the campaign.


This programme is open for all types of UK institutions: schools, colleges, universities.


Each participating institution hosting the filming of the VTV7 crew in the UK will have 8 minutes featured in the TV show, including video clips showcasing best images and academic interviews, and alumni discussion with the TV show host. You will also be given a range of advertising benefits in the multiple platforms of the TV show including Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.


The programme aims to reach at least 3 million target online audience via the television channel and all associated digital platforms


Participation fee per institution: £3,500


10 October 2019

2. “Study UK Face-off” scholarships promotion


This programme will be implemented in the format of a scholarships-hunt contest for students to win scholarships from UK institutions.


It will run in three stages, including an online contest organised in the Facebook platform from January to April, a live scholarship interviewing day in May and a “meeting with winners” event in July.


This programme expects to feature scholarships of up to 16 institutions of all types in the UK.


Please find below the Concept Note of the campaign.



Your institutional profile and scholarships information will be promoted during seven months in multiple platforms of the TV show “IELTS Face-off” including Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.


Detailed advertising benefits are stated in the attached Concept Note.


Running in seven months, the programme aims to attract over 2,000 potential students hunting for UK scholarships and reach 1 million target online audience following the contest.


Participation fee per institution: £900


30 October 2019

3. Study UK talk shows


This is a series of six talk shows focusing on promoting academic excellence of UK institutions in the six following subject areas: Marketing, Engineering, Media and Communication, Arts and Design, Tourism and Hospitality, and Education and Linguistics.

The talk shows provide an opportunity for your alumni to participate and share their experience of studying a specific subject area at your institution. After being filmed, the talk shows will be livestreamed in the Facebook Fanpage “IELTS Face-off” which enable your institution to answer questions directly from online audience.


Timeline: Each talk show will be broadcast in one hour. The series of talk shows will be livestreamed during February and March 2020


Besides advertising benefits that you will get during the pre-event promotion campaign in digital channels, the Q&A interaction with online audience during the time they watch the livestreamed talk-show will help you generate leads for student recruitment afterwards.


For details of impact target and advertising benefits, please find attached the Concept Note of this programme

Each talk-show is aimed to reach 25,000 online audience.


Participation fee per institution: £800


30 October 2019

If your institution is interested in participating in all of the three programmes mentioned above of the campaign, we will work with you to create a tailor-made package to maximise media benefits for your institution during the whole campaign.

Action Required

For further enquiries and expression of interest, please contact:

Ta Thi Hong Lien

Senior Education Services Manager

British Council Vietnam

Tel: +84 4 3728 1931

Email: lien.ta@britishcouncil.org.vn