John Jay College seeking potential UK partner schools

John Jay College of the City University of New York is looking for potential partners from UK universities seeking to form partnerships in the following areas:

1. Faculty Exchange:  The Security, Fire and Emergency Management department and John Jay College are unreservedly in favour of semester based or summer exchanges with faculty having interest in private security, fire science and service and emergency management.  We are interested in diverse forms of exchange including short term summer appointments.

2.  Center for Private Security and Safety and the Fire Science Institute:  The department's Institutes provide short term educational opportunities both residentially and online.  SFEM would be very interested in soliciting our British practitioners to work or deliver educational offerings in these forums either here or in the UK.  

3.  Funded Collaborations:  The SFEM department and John Jay College would be intensely interested in applied research that deals with "privatization" of police services and the overall trend towards private police systems replacing publically funded, governmental systems.  In particular, the department and College would like to conduct a comparative analysis of how the United States and Britain deal with the privatization of justice functions.  Exactly where and in what capacity is private security taking over the traditional public policing functions.

4.  Funded Collaborations:  The SFEM department and John Jay College seeks an institutional partner interested in the study and analysis of legal rights, constitutional implications, and civil and criminal liability standards applicable to private security operatives in the respective countries.  More precisely, how are private security personnel held accountable for errors in performance, negligence and other harm, crimes and other dereliction? What means and mechanisms exist to mitigate and prevent abuses by an unaccountable private police system when compared to the historic oversight of the public model.

5.  Funded Collaborations:  The SFEM department and John Jay College seeks an institutional partner that wishes to gauge and evaluate the respective missions of government agencies dedicated to Homeland defence.  In the United States, there are many voices critiquing the DHS design and operational mission in the life of a free people.  In addition, most would agree that cynicism about the agency and governmental intrusions have increased dramatically in the last decade.  John Jay and SFEM would analyze and assess the interrelationship of public opinion and mission of the designated agencies and delineate suggestions for maintenance of the homeland status quo or recommendations on how to alter both the goals and overall purposes of homeland defence. 

University representatives are also interested in discussing graduate degree collaborations or jointly offered degree opportunities.

Action Required

Interested institutions should contact Charles Nemeth at