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  • Jilin Provincial Education Department seeks a 3-month training programme for a delegation of 30 university teachers in the UK

Jilin Provincial Education Department seeks a 3-month training programme for a delegation of 30 university teachers in the UK



Jilin Provincial Education Department is looking for a UK institution to provide a 3-month training programme on education pedagogy, theory and teaching practice for a delegation of 30 teachers from local universities in Jilin province.


Jilin Province is one of three provinces in the Northeast of China. Jilin Education Department has the funding available to send a group of 30 teachers to participate in overseas training programmes to gain international exposure and professional development.


The organiser should provide:

  • training programme (diverse formats including guest lectures from different departments and faculties, workshops, observation classes, on-site visit to other local education institutions.)
  • transportation in the UK (including airport transfers, daily commute and field trips)
  • accommodation (homestay or student dorm)
  • 3 meals/day (cashless card if a campus catering service is unavailable)
  • local cultural excursions during weekends


Length: 80 days to 3 months (the programme must be completed before mid-December 2019), interested institutions may suggest the preferred availability to accommodate the delegation

Budget: 65,000 – 70,000 CNY/person (excludes domestic and international flights, visa application fees and travel insurance)


Action Required

Next Steps

UK universities interested in this opportunity should contact ies.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 19 April 2019, with a proposal outlining the training programme and a quotation with  a breakdown of all costs related to the project.

Please note the final decision and selection process will be decided by Jilin Provincial Education Department.