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Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics (JUFE), China seeks a UK Partner to establish a joint institute in Computing and FinTech

Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics (JUFE) is looking for UK partners interested in establishing a Ministry of Education approved transnational education joint institute in both levels of undergraduate and postgraduate, with details below:


  • Format: 4+0
  • Recruitment: 80-100 per subject area each year
  • Subject areas could cover
    • Computing  
    • Fintech
    • Logistic Management (Smart Supply Chain)
    • Applied Statistics (AI focused)
    • Digital Media Art


  • Format: 1.5+0
  • Recruitment: 30-40 per subject area each year
  • Subject areas could cover
    • Computing
    • Fintech
    • Digital Asset Assessment

Benefits for the UK partner

  • establish a long-term partnership with one of China’s well-known universities in Jiangxi province
  • potential for expansion into other fields, such as student and faculty exchange.
  • opportunity to raise profile and bring brand awareness to China, and possibly benefitting student recruitment.

Responsibilities of the two partners

The UK partner will be expected to:

  • Jointly develop the curricula for programmes of the joint institute
  • provide support in the quality assurance of the programmes, including hosting academic visits and training of JXUFE faculty (JUFE to cover costs)
  • undertake the teaching of one third of the core modules of the programme
  • ensure compliance with all necessary regulations of formally approved transnational education programmes in China.

JUFE will be responsible for:

  • Joint institution’s application paperwork to the Chinese Ministry of Education (with supporting documents from the UK university partner)
  • promoting and recruiting students for the joint institute
  • operational, teaching and administrative costs of the joint institute
  • JXUFE is open to discussing the financial scheme and other partnership details with the UK partner directly.

About Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics (JUFE)

Founded in 1923 and located in Nanchang, the capital city of Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics is a well-known university in China, ranking 7th among all the universities of finance and economics. Jointly sponsored and governed by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, and the Government of Jiangxi Province, JUFE as a higher institution of finance and economics focuses on economics and management and simultaneously promotes the coordinated development of law, engineering, humanities, science, and arts. JXUFE has been approved to run the Sino-US (JUFE and NYIT) MBA Programme and Sino-Sweden (JUFE and Dalarna University) UG Programme in Science since 1998. 

Action Required

UK universities interested in this opportunity should contact: ies.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 31 July 2021 (TBC), providing a one-page introduction to their institution covering all strengths and experience in developing joint programmes in the relevant subject area.

Projected timeline for collaboration:

  • Aug to Oct 2021: Initial discussions on the partnership
  • By Mar 2022: Application submitted to the MOE
  • Mid 2022: Approval by the MOE
  • Sep 2022: First year enrolment on to the joint institute