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Inviting Expressions of Interest from UK institutions to collaborate with the Singapore Academy of Law to develop training content for legal and allied legal professionals in Singapore and in the UK

The Singapore Academy of Law (SAL) is seeking partnerships with the Law/Computer Science/Business faculties of UK institutions to collaborate on the LIFTED project.

The Legal Industry Framework for Training and Education (LIFTED) is an initiative launched by SAL which aims to support legal professionals and associate professionals with their continuing professional development. 

The LIFTED Career Constellation helps the mapping of competencies for legal professionals and associate professionals to create clearer professional development pathways and learning journeys to guide continuing legal education.


As legal services are no longer limited by geographical boundaries, the objectives of the proposed collaboration are:

  • to identify the skills and competencies that would be needed by legal and allied legal professionals in Singapore and in the UK for future jobs
  • to map learning and development pathways to bridge any gaps in these skills and competencies
  • to share and/or collaboratively develop continuous professional development (CPD) content which could be self-accessed online by participating professionals, leading to joint certifications and CPD points.


With mutually recognised CPD qualifications, legal and allied legal professionals in Singapore and in the UK would be well-equipped with skills and competencies to progress to jobs of the future, potentially increasing their employability in both countries, and indeed, globally.

Benefits of this enhanced collaboration between Singapore and the UK would include:

  • Increased opportunities for work placement and/or employment for professionals in both countries
  • Enhanced awareness of the wider UK expertise in CPD for the allied legal professional sector, extending beyond qualifications currently on Singapore’s Overseas Scheduled Universities list


Additional information

The LIFTED initiative has commissioned a survey and interested UK academics are invited to participate and complete the survey if interested: Global Legal Services Skills Survey.

Upcoming opportunity for networking and sharing of best practices: TechLaw.Fest2021 scheduled for 22-24 September 2021




Action Required

UK institutions interested to collaborate with Singapore Academy of Law on the LIFTED project may send their Expressions of Interest to Lissy Vadakel, Head of Education, British Council Singapore.
Information to be included:
• Lead contact person(s) at the institution
• Samples of training courses and/or evidence of track record of relevant CPD initiatives.
• Name and synopsis of the proposed course(s), if available
• Trainer details/brief biodata, if available
• Details of assessments and certificates/qualifications related to the proposed training course(s)

Email: lissy.vadakel@britishcouncil.org.sg

Deadline: 25 June 2021, 5pm (BST)