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Invitation to Tender - Research on Early Years' English Language Teaching in Peru

In September 2015, Peru’s President presented the official English Language Policy with a view to reach bilingualism in the country by the year 2021. Since then, English has been strengthened at secondary school level and recently implemented at primary school level. The Ministry of Education hopes to implement English teaching at pre-primary level.

For wide Peru English context, read English in Peru (issued in May 2015, before policy was presented)

The British Council Peru seeks an organization to carry out research that is conducive to a report that would inform the Peruvian Ministry of Education’s decision to introduce English at pre-primary level in the coming years and contribute to the existing body of research in this field, to be disseminated to relevant stakeholders in the United Kingdom, Peru, and elsewhere.


We are looking to appoint a reputable organization with the following qualities:

  • Strong educational research portfolio, evidenced by previous projects
  • Educational research expertise, preferably in Latin America
  • Two or more published reports in peer review journals or that have made significant contributions to educational policy
  • Experience in Early Years’ educational research, preferably in second language learning.

Action Required