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Invitation to submit proposal for National Poster Competition in Mexico

The British Council Mexico invites UK institutions to be part of the celebrations of the dual year Mexico – UK by joining as sponsors for a National Scientific Poster Competition in collaboration with Conacyt to take place during the autumn 2015 and early 2016.

Mexico needs to increase 10 times the number of scientist, engineers, mathematicians, according to the Scientific and Technological Consultative Forum.

The National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt) and the Mexican Academy of Sciences (AMC) are two of our partners that have the goal of promoting STEM subjects on all educational levels.

The British Council, the United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities, is going to be part of the National Week of Science and Technology , with several projects, one of them is the National Poster Competition that is the only one with a national reach.

This project is a national contest for teams of teachers and students of secondary schools, to design a scientific poster. It will seek to challenge the teams (led by a science teacher and form by students) to apply basic design thinking and skills to a social or environmental issue with an aid based of UK innovations and fundamentals of science and technology that the UK has generated. The team will have to use themes of the national curricula in secondary education as a basis of their proposal and incorporate design thinking to develop a potential solution to a problem in their community.

  • Goal: Raise awareness among the participant students that science can be applied and used in the design of innovative products, positioning STEM careers as a future possibility. Likewise sciences teachers will discover new tools, such as design thinking, to incorporate them within their science teaching methodology in order to foster innovation in young students.
  • Target Audience: Science teachers and students from secondary schools (13 to 15 years old)
  • Reach: National (private, technical  and public secondary schools)


Action Required

Sponsorship details can be found in the attached invitation letter. Please send your proposal to Dalia Carrizoza dalia.carrizoza@britishcouncil.org using the attached template above.

Contact person:
Dalia Carrizoza