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Invitation to attend the UK-China International Education Forum on Technology Transfer

The British Council would like to invite UK universities to attend the UK-China International Education Forum in London on Monday 5 November. The forum will focus on the innovation and technology transfer environments in both the UK and China.

The forum has been designed to support UK and Chinese universities to develop their understanding of each other’s technology transfer and scientific innovation landscapes, share international best practice, and learn from successful case studies. The forum will provide an opportunity for UK universities to discuss collaboration opportunities with senior leadership and Chinese academics from Chinese universities leading in scientific innovation and technology transfer. The forum is open to leading faculty in relevant fields of teaching and research and university senior leadership.

The Chinese Education Association for International Exchange is bringing over a select delegation of Chinese universities, leading in the fields of technology transfer and scientific innovation, to participate in the forum. The forum is part of a wider visit designed to support these institutions’ development in high priority areas and further their international collaboration opportunities.

Benefits for UK institutions

  • A platform for UK university senior leaders and academics to discuss collaboration opportunities with Chinese counterparts
  • A platform for UK universities to discuss potential institutional partnerships with Chinese counterparts
  • Deepen understanding of China’s education policies, priorities and ambitions
  • Learn best practice from leading Chinese universities

Date:    Monday 5 November

Time:    09.30-15.30

Location: British Council head office, 10 Spring Gardens, London, SW1A 2BN





0930 – 1000

Arrival and Coffee


1000 – 1015

UK education internationalisation

John Bramwell, Director Education, British Council

1015 – 1030

UK HE policy and priorities

Jamie Arrowsmith, Assistant Director, UUKi

1030 – 1045

UK Research and Innovation Strategy

Simon Gardner, Head of Innovation Programmes and Partnerships, Natural Environment Research Council

1045 – 1100

China education policy overview

Liu Hongbin, Deputy Director General of Centre for Science and Technology Development, Ministry of Education

1100 – 1115

Coffee break

1115 – 1145

UK universities Technology Transfer Overview

Professor Trevor McMillan, Vice-Chancellor, Keele University

1145 - 1215

China universities Scientific Innovation and Technology Transfer overview

Bian Zhengfu, Vice President, University of Mining and Technology China

1215 – 1245


1245 – 1345

International Best Practise in Technology Transfer

Nessa Carey, Carey International Impact Training

1345 – 1445

University case studies

Oxford Innovation, University of Birmingham, Tianjin University

1445 – 1530

Panel discussion


1530 – 1630



Participating Chinese institutions


Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Shanghai Jiaotong University

Centre for Science and Technology Development, Ministry of Education

Southwest Jiaotong University

Chang’an University

South China University of Technology

Changzhou University

Sun Yat-Sen University

Guizhou University

Tianjin University

Nanjing Institute of Technology

Tongji University

Nanjing University

University of Mining and Technology

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Wuhan University

Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Xidian University

Peking University

Zhejiang University

Renmin University




The forum is free, but admission is limited to senior leadership and leading academics with substantial experience in technology transfer and scientific innovation.

Action Required


If you would like to attend the forum please send your full name, job title and university to fraser.deas@britishcouncil.org.cn by Friday 12 October 2018