International Education Conference - Call for session proposals

The International Education Conference (formerly the IES Conference) is taking place on 3 - 4 December 2019 at Edinburgh International Conference Centre! 

We would appreciate session submissions as soon as possible.

The British Council welcomes session proposals on an international scale from individuals regardless of age, disability, ethnicity or race, gender, religion or belief or sexual identity.

This year's theme is:

Reboot and reload; defining new futures for international education

At a time of potential change to the way the United Kingdom can operate with its international partners, the sector must be prepared to reset and revise its strategic ambitions, and quickly find opportunity in a new, uncertain landscape. The path we will take from 31 October remains unclear, but we can be certain that the progression of digital technology and communications will continue to profoundly affect the methods through which we engage international audiences.

On 3-4 December the British Council invites the international education sector to come together to reboot and reload our strategies; explore and face the impact of the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union and define our new future – working together to attract, educate and support sophisticated and technologically astute global students, who in many cases will go on to influence the futures of their own countries

Call for Proposals

We are now welcoming proposals for this year's event. The attached document contains the application form as well as content guidelines and other information.

We are looking for session proposals that cover the full range of international education, including aspects affecting international research, schools, FE, ELT and HE. We are also interested in varied formats for content including ignite sessions, fishbowl sessions, soapbox discussions, interactive workshops, panel discussions, poster presentations and other interesting ways to communicate to the audience. The conference is always a fantastic opportunity to make connections across the sector and develop business opportunities. We look forward to receiving some exciting and thought-provoking proposals.

We are interested in receiving proposals related to:

  • International education strategy and policy
  • Digital and technological innovation
  • International education market insight
  • International education marketing practice
  • Transnational education (TNE) and partnerships
  • Student support and wellbeing
  • Immigration and visa compliance
  • Study influencers including agents, counsellors and alumni
  • Internationalisation of subject areas
  • Internationalisation of colleges, schools and English language teaching providers
  • International student employability
  • Best practice for working overseas
  • Global perspectives and activities of other nations

You are more than welcome to share this opportunity with your international collobarators and partners.

More information about how we will be assessing proposals can be found in the attached document.

Action Required

The deadline for proposals is 31 August 2019. Please return the application form to