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Institute of International Education: Share Your Institution’s Experience With Strategic International Partnerships

Submit by January 30, 2015 | Take Survey Now
Are you responsible for international partnerships at your institution? If so, please take a few minutes to participate in a new survey conducted by the Institute of International Education in cooperation with Freie Universität Berlin. 
Strategic international partnerships are a relatively new but growing phenomenon in the higher education sector. This global survey seeks to assess the nature and dynamics of such transnational arrangements between higher education institutions in various countries and regions. The responses collected from this survey will provide the higher education community with the latest trends on strategic international partnerships from a multitude of perspectives, and contribute to the growing body of empirical data on this topic. The results will also be synthesized into a chapter in the upcoming IIE/DAAD publication, Global Perspectives on Strategic International Partnerships (May 2015). Please complete this survey by January 30, 2015. Should you have any questions about the survey, please contact cip@iie.org.

Action Required

Please complete this survey by January 30, 2015. Should you have any questions about the survey, please contact cip@iie.org.