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Indonesia Ministry of Education invites interest from UK institutions to partner for the IISMA - Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards scholarship programme 2022

Indonesia’s Ministry of Education (Kemendikbud Ristek) is inviting expressions of interest from UK institutions to be overseas partners for the 2022 IISMA scholarship initiative.

Important update: Extension of deadline for submission of interest 

The Indonesia Ministry of Education has extended the deadline for submission of proposals for IISMA from 30 November to 21 December 2021.

UK universities interested to be considered as Ministry of Education’s overseas university partner/s for the IISMA 2022 intake are requested to express their interest by completing the online form by 21 December 2021 at https://bit.ly/iismahostreg

IISMA - Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards, is the Indonesian government’s scholarship scheme to fund Indonesian students for mobility programmes at top universities overseas. Students could spend up to one semester at the overseas university partner to study, to experience the host country’s culture and to undertake practical assignments to hone their skills. This scheme is part of the Ministry of Education’s 'Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka' programme and was launched in April 2021. The scholarship funds Indonesian students for tuition fee, accommodation and living allowance, emergency funds, travel cost and health insurance.

Interested UK institutions are requested to view the attached files for background and details on participation:

  • IISMA_Presentation for International Partners 2022
  • IISMA Open Call_2022


Action Required

Interested institutions are requested to fill in the Ministry of Education’s online form at https://bit.ly/iismahostreg by 21 December 2021. 

For queries regarding the opportunity:

To find out more about IISMA please visit  https://kampusmerdeka.kemdikbud.go.id/web/IISMA or follow IISMA Instagram (@iisma_ri, @merdekabelajar_kampusmerdeka, @kampusmerdeka.ri)