Icetex offers 50 scholarships for Colombian artists

The Colombian Institute for Education Credit and Technical Studies Abroad (ICETEX, for its Spanish acronym), opened calls for young talents who wish to upgrade their skills abroad. The candidates must demonstrate their intellectual abilities and skills in an artistic field.
Candidates are responsible for choosing the country and the institution in which they would like to pursue their specialisation.

The students should be between 18 and 28 years old and excel in their talent. Young artists have to show proof of knowledge of the language of their selected country. The deadline to apply is next April 24, 2015.

To apply candidates must submit:
• Proof of admission to the institute
• References from sponsors

Students will have to demonstrate that they will return to Colombia once studies are completed to participate in educational activities in vulnerable communities. They also must share knowledge acquired abroad and make a presentation.

The duration of the studies can range from 6 to 24 months, which should start in the second half of 2015. On returning to their country, students won’t have to pay back the loan.

Action Required

Interested UK institutions may visit the portal Icetex link Artists Talent scholarships call. This is a great opportunity to promote Programs in Arts and recruit Colombian students.