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IB school seeks guest lecturers in Jakarta and short courses in the UK

Sekolah Menengah Cikal (http://www.cikal.co.id/campus/id/sekolah-cikal-setu), International Baccalaureate (IB) World School is looking for UK university visiting academics to deliver guest lectures at the school, and partners to deliver short course programmes in the UK. British Council Indonesia may also be able to introduce other schools that would be happy to receive guest lectures.

Short Course Programme:
• The UK partner would be expected to arrange the programme, provide proposal/offer to the school which includes the detailed cost of the programme. The proposal and programme should be submitted at least 6 months prior to the programme.
• Sekolah Menengah Cikal will be responsible for promoting the short course programme for students and to have at least 10 students wanting to join the programme if the programme is to be realised; to arrange the preparation (visa, airfare ticket).

Possible dates for Short Course Programmes:
Term Break 1: 2-6 October 2017
Semester 1 Break: 21 December 2017 - 8 January 2018
Term Break 2: 26 - 30 March 2018
Semester 2 Break: 4 June - 10 July 2018

Guest lecturers:
• UK partner would be expected to provide guest lecturer about certain topics, and promotional materials.
• Sekolah Menengah Cikal will be responsible for inviting the audience and allocating the time slot and venue.

Timing - within the period August - November 2017.

About the school:
This school is located at Jl. Setu Raya No. 3, Cipayung, East Jakarta, Indonesia. Currently, they have around 300 students, which comprises of 250 middle school students (Year 6-9) and 50 high school students (Year 10-12). This year is their first year to have high school graduates on June 2017.

Action Required

How to participate
UK universities interested in this partnership opportunity should contact lisa.wilianto@britishcouncil.or.id, explaining your interest. Please specify whether you are interested in providing short course programmes or if you will be visiting Jakarta and able to provide guest lectures.