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  • Hunan Normal University seeks UK Partners to establish a joint programme / joint institute in the fields of Engineering, Science and Arts

Hunan Normal University seeks UK Partners to establish a joint programme / joint institute in the fields of Engineering, Science and Arts

Opportunity (Submission Date Updated)

Hunan Normal University (HNNU) is looking for UK partners interested in establishing a Ministry of Education approved transnational education joint undergraduate and doctoral programme in the fields of Engineering, Science and Arts. The undergraduate joint programme would be in the format 3+1, and model for a doctoral joint programme would be open for discussion.

Eligible students under the joint programme will get two degrees, one from Hunan Normal University, the other from the UK partner.

HNNU would be open to discussions with UK partners interested in establishing partnerships in the following subject areas:

Subject area



Software Engineering

Computer Science and Technology

Electronic Information Engineering

Mechanical Process Technology

Communication Engineering

Electronic Science and Technology




Public health and Preventive Medicine

Mathematics and Applied Mathematics


Applied Physics


Geographic Information


Translation and Interpretation

Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Fashion Design

Art and Craft Design

Virtual Communication Design



Network and New Media

International Law

Drama and Film-and-Television Literature

Benefits for the UK partner

  • establish a long-term partnership with a strong university in Hunan
  • support student recruitment through a 3+1 model
  • potential for expansion into other fields, such as student and faculty exchange
  • opportunity to raise profile and bring brand awareness to China, potentially benefitting other areas of international development

Responsibilities of the two partners

The UK partner will be expected to:

  • Jointly develop the curricula for the joint programme / joint institute (three or more joint programmes)
  • provide support in the quality assurance of the programmes
  • undertake the teaching of one third of the core modules of the programme at Hunan Normal University campus by teachers from the UK partner
  • ensure compliance with all necessary regulations of formally approved transnational education programmes in China.

Hunan Normal University will be responsible for:

  • Programme application paperwork to the Chinese Ministry of Education (with supporting documents from the UK university partner)
  • promoting and recruiting students for the programme (estimated annual recruitment is 100-120 students for the undergraduate joint programme)
  • HNU is open to discussing the financial arrangements and other partnership details with the UK partner directly.


About Hunan Normal University

Founded in 1938, Hunan Normal University (HNNU) is located in Changsha. It ranks NO.1 among Hunan provincial universities and around 60th among national universities. HNNU is listed as a “Double First Class” university to be development jointly by China’s Ministry of Education (MoE) and Hunan Provincial Government.

HNNU consists of 24 colleges and runs 83 undergraduate disciplines, which fall into such 11 main categories including philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, science, technology, agriculture, medicine, management and art. 21 of its first-level disciplines are permitted to offer doctoral programs, one to offer a professional doctoral program, 37 of its first-level disciplines to offer masters' programs and 21 to offer professional masters' programs. HNNU also has 18 research stations for post-doctors. HNNU has a faculty of over 2,020 and has set up partnerships with 195 universities and institutions in 46 countries and regions to push forward student and staff exchanges, and cooperation in teaching and scientific research.

Hunan Normal University currently has three joint undergraduate programmes and three joint postgraduate programmes, with partner universities in the UK, USA, Russia, Germany, and Macau (China).

Action Required

Call to action

UK universities interested in this opportunity should contact: ies.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 31 March 2022, providing a one-page introduction to their institution covering all strengths and experience in developing transnational education (joint programme or joint institute) in the relevant subject area.


Projected timeline for collaboration:

  • Feb to Jun 2022: discussions on the partnership
  • Sep 2022: Application submitted to the MOE
  • Jan 2023: Approval by the MOE
  • Sep 2023: First year enrolment on to the programmes