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Huazhong University of Science and Technology seeks a UK partner for a joint articulation partnership

The School of Engineering Sciences at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) is seeking a UK partner to establish an undergraduate joint articulation degree programme in Biomedical Engineering. They plan for the programme to award a joint bachelor’s and master’s degree, recognized by HUST and the UK university, for up to 100 students each year. This could take the form either of:

  • 3 + 2(Both HUST and the UK university award a bachelor’s degree, UK award a master’s degree)
  • 4 + 1(HUST award a bachelor’s degree, UK award a master’s degree)

HUST is open to the possibility of two or more UK universities forming an alliance to each accept students.


This is an opportunity for UK institutions to position themselves as a strategic partner with a prestigious top-ranking university in Wuhan, Hubei, and build their brand awareness in central China, with potential for further collaboration into other related fields, including student/faculty exchange, and joint research. The UK institution will also benefit from the recruitment of high calibre biomedical engineering students.

Areas of responsibility for the two collaborating parties

The UK partner will be expected to:

  • recruit students
  • award a bachelor and/or master’s degree to successful graduates.

Huazhong University of Science and Technology will be expected to:

  • promote and recruit students
  • provide qualified teaching staff as well as the required teaching premises and logistical support
  • support prospective students in preparing to study in the UK.

About Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) is located in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei Province. HUST is a large university with over 55,000 full-time students enrolled and around 3000 full-time faculty members, including a large number of eminent scientists and professors.  

HUST is a multi-disciplinary research university, covering 12 major disciplines: philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, engineering, agriculture, medicine, management and arts. It is one of the top 10 universities in China.

About Wuhan

Wuhan is the capital of Hubei Province, and the largest city (by both population and GDP) in central China. Based on recent growth trends, McKinsey estimates that Wuhan will become China’s third largest city economy by 2025. Wuhan is well known across China as a major centre for education and scientific research.




13 October 2017

Deadline for expressions of interest

30 October 2017

Confirmation of selected UK partner

30 November 2017

Discussions with selected UK partner

01 September 2018

Expected start date for program

Action Required

UK institutions interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 13 October 2017. Please provide a one-page introduction to your institution, covering any strengths and experience in developing and delivering joint programmes in Biomedical Engineering.