Higher Education Partnerships for Entrepreneurship – INN-UK

The British Council in partnership with iNNpulsa, is currently implementing INN-UK, a project which consists of an exchange of good practices, learning about entrepreneurship, innovation and incubation programmes between Colombian and UK universities and innovation institutions. The main objective of this exchange is to strengthen the programmes/incubation models of Colombian universities participating in Entrepreneurship Campus – C Emprende - which aims to increase the success rate of the start-ups emerging from this initiative.

The exchange with the UK universities and institutions will strengthen the Colombian programmes with models known for the quality of incubation in high impact entrepreneurships. Following a UK inbound mission, Colombian universities must apply their learning to their own models in order to improve and strengthen their programmes and to improve the success indicators in the process of accompanying start-ups. Additionally, a call will be opened in order to grant seed capital funding for Colombian universities to invest in their projects and strengthen strategic alliances with UK universities.

Up to 6,000 GBP is available for each UK university hosting the Colombian universities during the inbound mission.

Action Required

For more details, please read the attached Call for Proposals.

Please send your questions and applications to Barbara.decastro@britishcouncil.org.co including in the subject line: INN-UK British Council Colombia: UK Host.

In a PDF document you must include the following information:

  • Institutional information/description
  • Entrepreneurship offer/initiatives and relevant statistics
  • Description of similar partnerships the institution works with
  • Information on success case on entrepreneurship initiatives/incubation model used
  • Proposed agenda during the mission
  • Breakdown of costs specifying items mentioned in section 1.6.

Deadline to apply 4 September 2019