Higher Education Partnership Fund

The British Council Vietnam is calling for proposals from UK and Vietnam institutions and organisations to enhance Education, Research and Innovation links between the UK and Vietnam with the Higher Education Partnership Fund (HEP) 2015.

Priority areas include University governance, Quality assurance, Social Sciences and Education, Employability, Teaching, Learning and Development.

The total fund available is worth GBP75,000.

The HEP would be used for partnerships to support:

  • The Education Policy reform, and the Internationalisation of Higher Education
  • Transnational Education
  • Development of R&D Collaboration
  • Industry Engagement

Application and timeline

1. Submission of concept note - 29.06.2015

2. Submission of full proposal (If concept note is approved) - 14.08.2015

3. Start of project - 21.09.2015

Please refer to the Higher Education Partnership Fund for more details.

Action Required

Interested UK institutions are recommended to find out details about the Higher Education Partnership Fund, and start the discussion with Vietnamese institutions for the concept note.

Should you need any support, please contact Phi Phan, Higher Education Manager (Partnerships) via Phi.Phan@britishcouncil.org.vn.