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HCMC University of Technology (HUTECH) seeks UK partners for joint training programme in Automobile Technology

HCMC University of Technology (HUTECH) is looking for a UK partner to develop and deliver franchise programmes in Automobile Technology at Undergraduate level.

The model for joint training franchise programmes will be 2+2 or 3+1. The first two or three years will be spent in Vietnam. For the final one or two years, students can choose to transfer to the UK or continue staying in Vietnam to complete the programme.

Benefits for UK partners:

This is an opportunity for the selected UK partner to establish a long-term partnership with HUTECH, which is a private university with financial autonomy and proactive approach in international cooperation. The successful articulation is expected to be a stepping stone to open potential cooperation in other fields such as joint research and student exchange between the two universities. This is also an opportunity for the UK partner to raise their institutional profile and brand awareness in Vietnam.

Areas of responsibility for the two collaborating partners:

The selected UK partner will be expected to work with HCMC University of Technology (HUTECH) to:

  • develop the curricula for the joint programmes
  • provide support in standardising teaching staff
  • provide support in the quality assurance of the programme
  • issue a bachelor’s degree to students who successfully complete the programme

HUTECH will be responsible for:

  • promoting and recruiting students for the programme
  • providing qualified teaching staff as well as the required teaching premises and logistical support for the joint programme
  • supporting prospective students in preparing to study in the UK as part of the programmes

About HCMC University of Technology (HUTECH):

HUTECH is a poly-discipline private university founded since 1995. HUTECH provides training programmes at all levels of study with nearly 700 lecturers and 30,000 students in total. The university aims to provide high quality human resources to the socio-economic development and modernisation – industrialisation in Vietnam.

HUTECH is proactive in running joint programmes with overseas partners including: Open University Malaysia (Malaysia), The National University of Malaysia, Lincoln University (USA), University of Cergy-Pontoisé (France), Avans University of Applied Science (the Netherlands), Bangkok University (Thailand) and ViA TEKO College (Denmark).

For more information about HUTECH, please visit the university’s website HERE

Action Required

How to participate
UK universities interested in this opportunity should contact British Council Vietnam by 30 July 2017 and provide a one-page introduction to their institution, covering any strengths and experience in developing and delivering joint programme in Automobile Technology.

HUTECH would like to select partners in September 2017, and finalise agreements by the end of 2017.