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Guangdong University of Finance and Economics seeks UK partners for joint programmes in the field of Intelligent Entrepreneurship Management

Guangdong University of Finance and Economics (GDUFE) is looking for UK partner universities to develop and deliver joint programmes in the field of Intelligent Entrepreneurship Management for undergraduate study. The suggested models for the programmes are: 3+1 / 4+0 joint undergraduate degree programmes.

Areas of responsibility for the two collaborating parties

The selected UK universities will be expected to work with Guangdong University of Finance and Economics to:

  • jointly develop the curricula for the programmes
  • provide support in the quality assurance of the programmes
  • when necessary provide teachers to teach at GDUFE ( conditions and details to be further discussed)
  • accept successful students to study at the partner UK university for the 4th year of the 3+1 programme and award Bachelor’s degrees to students upon completion of the 3+1 programme.

Guangdong University of Finance and Economics will be responsible for:

  • promoting and recruiting students for the programmes
  • providing qualified teaching staff as well as the required teaching premises and logistical support for the programmes
  • supporting prospective students in preparing to study in the UK

About Guangdong University of Finance and Economics

Guangdong University of Finance and Economics was founded in 1983. In recent years, GDUFE has developed a multi-disciplinary education system, among which key subjects are economics, management and law. GDUFE attaches great importance to the internationalisation of education. To back up its educational internationalisation, GDUFE has been cultivating teams of faculty and managerial staff who are able to perform at international level and is aiming to establish six overseas training bases for its faculty and staff in the USA, UK, Canada and Australia. For more details of the University, please visit: http://english.gdufe.edu.cn/

How to participate

UK universities interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 19 May 2017 (Friday) and provide a one-page introduction to your institution covering strengths and experience in developing and delivering joint programmes in the field of Intelligent Entrepreneurship Management or similar.


The Chinese university would like to select and finalise partners in June 2017.

Action Required

UK universities interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 19 May 2017 (Friday) and provide a one-page introduction to your institution covering strengths and experience in developing and delivering joint programmes in the field of Intelligent Entrepreneurship Management or similar.