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  • Guangdong Provincial Head-Teacher Training Centre Seeks UK Partner to Deliver Three Week Head-Teacher Training Programme in UK

Guangdong Provincial Head-Teacher Training Centre Seeks UK Partner to Deliver Three Week Head-Teacher Training Programme in UK

Since 2005, every year Guangdong Provincial Education Department organises a group of 25 head-teachers from primary and middle schools across the province to attend a three week UK training programme. In 2016 the provincial government would like to work with a new UK partner for the programme. The provincial education department has appointed Guangdong No.2 Normal University’s School Leadership Centre to organise the delivery of the training on behalf of the province.  

Training Requirements

  • Subject: Curriculum Leadership in the context of Internationalisation  
  • Duration: 3 weeks
  • Time: Between 1 October and 18 November 2016.
  • Location: cities in the UK
  • Participants: Between 22 and 25 Head-teachers from Primary and Secondary schools across Guangdong Province
    • Travel and Accommodation:  Transport to all training locations required.
    • On campus accommodation or hotels within walking distance preferred.
    • Lunch should be provided, evening meals are not required.

Suggested Course content:





Other requirements

Classroom Teaching

6 days


Theory and case studies including school leadership, curriculum leadership, school management, curriculum systems, teacher’s performance management, teacher’s continuing professional development.

Guangdong No.2 to provide onsite interpreter and pre course material translation.

Visit to schools and education authorities

3 days

6 organisations (2 per day)

State primary or secondary schools, grammar schools, special schools, one local education authority.

Profiles of the organisations to be sent to Guangdong No.2, ten days prior to the training. Guangdong No.2 to provide translations.

Principal shadowing

5 days

4 groups, each group shadows one school for 2.5 days.

Activities could include principal lectures, classroom observation, teachers/students talks, participation in school activities.

One interpreter per group.  Guangdong No.2 to provide one interpreter. UK institution to provide 3 interpreters.

Debriefing and graduation ceremony

1 day


Round up, feedback, Q&A.

Guangdong No.2 to provide interpreter

Action Required

If you are interested in this opportunity, please provide the following information to siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 23:59 GMT on 15 April 2016:

• An introduction to your organisation detailing your relevant training experience
• A quotation for the total estimated cost, with a breakdown of the fee per day for each type of training, travel and accommodation.
• A sample course outline, with a breakdown of activities for each day.