Greek-British short-term scholarship programme 2023 (Year 2)

The British Council Greece and the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY), with the support of the British Embassy, are delivering for the second year, a short-term mobility scholarship programme in 2023. Funded this year exclusively by the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY), the programme is addressed to postgraduate and doctoral students enrolled in Greek Universities who wish to benefit from structured learning and research placements, of a four-week duration each, at British Higher Education Institutions, in 2023.

The programme aims at encouraging the mobility of students from Greek universities towards British universities, to enhance their scientific and educational competence, to expand their research activity, as well as to foster bilateral cooperation to the mutual benefit of both the grantees and the universities involved. We would like to draw UK HEIs’ attention to this programme as they are likely to receive interest from PG and PhD students from Greek universities. We invite UK institutions to support the programme by hosting these mobilities.

The Call for Expression of Interest for 2023 closes on Monday 15 May 2023, 23.00 EET. The academic placements must be completed in 2023

Should you require any further information, kindly contact Katerina Fegarou, Education Manager, Higher Education Partnerships, British Council Greece