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Global Education & Technology Group seeks UK Institutions for annual Summer and Winter Camps

The Global Education & Technology Group is seeking UK institutions to host summer and winter study camps focused on English and specific subjects for example Art, Sports, Culture or Architecture.

The camps should be 2 to 4 weeks in length and held on an annual basis starting from Summer 2016. They should provide Chinese students with an international study environment and deliver intensive courses within small groups of no more than 25 students.

Through the English and specialised courses, students should get a feel for what it is like to study in a first rate UK institution, including extra-curricular activities, visiting and exploring local cities and countryside to get a better understanding of British history and culture.

Programmes for any of the below age range are fine.

  • Age 9  to 12  
  • Age 13 to 16  
  • Age 17 to 22 

Areas of responsibilities for the two collaborating parties

Service provided by UK institutions

 Themed summer and winter camps

  1. 2 to 4 weeks of lessons
  2. Accommodation at local host families or student halls
  3. 3 meals a day
  4. Extra-curricular activities and sightseeing
  5. pick up from and to the airport
  6. Letter of invitation for purpose of visa application
  7. Certificate at the end of the summer and winter camp

Service provided Pearson Global Education London Limited

  1. Undertake all promotion in China and recruitment of students
  2. Provide supervisor to assist all students throughout Summer and Winter Camp
  3. Work on students UK visa applications and international ticket booking
  4. Provide students with guidance before they leave for the UK


Brief introduction of Global Education & Technology Group

In 2010, Global Education & Technology Group completed its IPO on NASDAQ (Stock Symbol: GEDU) and was acquired by Pearson Group in 2012.  Today, Global Education & Technology Group (GEDU) is one of the largest Education Companies in China with 79 directly owned learning centers in 19 cities and over 400 franchised schools throughout mainland China.  In 2014, GEDU had achieved 170,000 enrollments in its directly owned learning centers, a 7% increase from 2013. Including students in school franchises GEDU trains approximately 300,000 students each year.

In June 2015, GEDU set up its UK office in London

Action Required

UK institutions interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn

Please provide a one-page introduction of your institution and quotation for a 2-week camp for a group of 20 students including all costs: Tuition, accommodation, meals and a 2 day weekend cultural tour.

The British Council will charge a £1,000 management fee as a service commission, which is payable by the proposal winner.