Get Ready to Go! - Study UK Meet and Greet 2019 (BANGKOK)

Pre-departure briefing in Bangkok

The British Council Thailand is organising its annual pre-departure briefing under the new title of “Get Ready to Go – Study UK Meet and Greet 2019”. The event is intended to provide useful information to university offer holders studying in the UK during this coming academic year and will take place on Saturday 8 June 2019 from 14:00–16:00 at the Imax Theatre, 5th Floor, Siam Paragon. There will also be a networking session with UK alumni from different fields of study.

13:30 – 14:00 Registration
14:00 – 14:15 Welcome by Mr Simon Lever, Counsellor (Political and Bilateral), British Embassy Bangkok and
Mr Andrew Glass, OBE, Country Director, British Council Thailand
14:15 – 14:45 Panel talk: “Useful advice from the experts” by British Council and UKVI
14:45 – 15:30 Panel talk by UK alumni
15:30 – 16:00 Refreshments and networking with offer holders and alumni from schools and universities across the UK

Admission to the event is free. It would be most appreciated if UK institutions could help promote this event to their offer holders and alumni.

Further information on the event can be obtained from and registration can be done at

Limited seats available.

Action Required

It would be most appreciated if the event information could be shared with offer holders and alumni of UK educational institutions. For any queries, please contact
Prompiang Hunthanee
Study UK Officer