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Funding opportunity: Jiangsu-UK and Shanghai-UK Industrial Challenge Programmes open for bids

Businesses in the UK and in Jiangsu or Shanghai are invited to bid for a share of over £10m to carry out collaborative R&D projects.

The Industrial Challenge Programme is a new funding partnership between Innovate UK and the Science and Technology Departments of Jiangsu and Shanghai, supported by the UK Science and Innovation Network.

Joint bids from UK companies, partnering with Jiangsu/Shanghai companies are welcomed, focusing on the following themes:

  • Innovation in infrastructure systems and future cities addressing the challenges faced by infrastructure owners, cities, towns and users
  • Business-led innovation leading to new products, processes or services

The aim of the Industrial Challenge Programme is to stimulate economic growth in China (specifically Shanghai municipality / Jiangsu province) and in the UK through business-led innovation. Innovation should draw on capabilities in both countries to address industrial opportunities and challenges that will shape the markets of the future.

To apply, you must have at least one UK-based company and one eligible partner from a business operating in Shanghai / Jiangsu province working together on the project. You can also invite other types of organisations from the UK to join your project.

In the UK:

  • lead applicants will be a business registered and operating in the UK
  • UK academic and research entities are eligible to join as partners in the project

Action Required

The closing date for bid submissions is 28 June 2017. Entries must be registered by 21 June 2017.

For more guidance on how to apply and assessment criteria please read the programme guidance:

Jiangsu-UK Industrial Challenge Programme: For UK companies (in English)

Jiangsu-UK Industrial Challenge Programme: For Jiangsu companies (in Chinese)

Shanghai-UK Industrial Challenge Programme: For UK companies (in English)

Shanghai-UK Industrial Challenge Programme: For Shanghai companies (in Chinese)

For further information on the programme please contact Innovate UK at support@innovateuk.gov.uk (UK companies). Jiangsu companies please contact Ms Huang Cen at Jiangsu Centre of Technology Transfer at prisca.cen@hotmail.com  or Shanghai companies please contact Mr Tang Dengwei at Shanghai Science and Technology Exchange Centre at dwtang@sstec.com.cn.