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Funding is available for collaborative projects with Argentine universities

Higher Education Links Argentina offers seed funding for UK-Argentina collaborative projects. UK and Argentine institutions can apply for up to £10,000 of matched funding for workshops to be held in Argentina in February-March 2018, led by UK and local lead researchers, on the following areas:
• Student employability & competitiveness: institutions will share best practices to build a final project aimed to improve student employability and to develop student competencies responding to the local and regional industry needs.
• Research & development: Argentine Lead Institutions host a workshop with UK Lead Institutions that have track record in R&D, innovation management and/or knowledge transfer activities. The focus is on the development of skills and capacity to align agendas and develop the link between the institution and regional priorities.
• Social innovation & inclusion: proposals for social innovation projects will focus on sharing best practices and develop a final project for social strategies improvements in the region. Proposals for inclusion in higher education will foster the inclusion of disadvantaged students in the Higher Education system in the region and ease the accessibility to higher education through different strategies

Action Required

Form a partnership with an Argentine university and apply by December 18th. Details and application documents available at https://argentina.britishcouncil.org/en/programmes/education/call-higher-education-links. Questions can be addressed at HELinks.Argentina@britishcouncil.org