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FSTE 25th anniversary conference 2019 on “Developing Higher Education for Next Decade”

Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education (FSTE) and the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) jointly organise a conference “Developing Higher Education for Next Decade” on Thursday, 20 June 2019 in New World Millennium Hong Kong Hotel.

The conference provides an opportunity for all stakeholders in the sector to report the latest research, explore ideas, views and experience, and share your professional experience with others. This may be of interest to UK insititutions who deliver TNE programmes in Hong Kong, as many local delivery partners will be in attendance.

About FSTE

Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education (FSTE), formerly known as “The Federation for Continuing Education in Tertiary Institutions” (FCE), was established in 1994. It aims to advance the quality, promote collaboration and share good practices in the self-financing tertiary education sector.

FSTE membership comprises all publicly-funded higher education institutions and major non-profit-making institutions providing tertiary/continuing education in Hong Kong as well as 8 Individual Members.

FSTE members offer a variety of programmes, ranging from sub-degree to degree levels, in full-time and part-time modes, covering academic, vocational and professional streams, as well as transnational (also known as “non-local”) programmes.  In 2015, more than 43,000 students enrolled in full-time self-financing courses amongst FSTE member institutions. Believing in life-long learning, FSTE members also provide a great majority of courses under Continuing Education Fund (CEF) in Hong Kong.


The Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ), formerly the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation (HKCAA), was established in 1990 as an independent statutory body to provide authoritative advice on academic standards of degree programmes in higher education institutions in Hong Kong.  In 2007, the Council was reconstituted under the HKCAAVQ Ordinance (Chapter 1150).  The HKCAAVQ took on responsibility for the vocational and professional education and training sector and statutory roles as the Accreditation Authority and Qualifications Register Authority under the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework under the Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications Ordinance (Chapter 592).

The HKCAAVQ provides quality assurance and assessment services to education and training institutions, course providers and the general public. In addition to its statutory roles, the HKCAAVQ also provides advisory and consultancy services in education qualifications and standards to government bureaux and other organisations in Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region.

Action Required

For updated information and details, please visit www.fste.edu.hk/conference/2019. UK institutions who are interested in this opportunity should register at www.fste.edu.hk/conference/2019/registration before 20 June 2019.