Free Summer Online Courses Campaign 2020

The British Council’s ‘Free Summer Online Courses’ campaign is an organic digital campaign to raise awareness in the Americas region of tuition-free online summer programs or courses that are on offer by UK universities this summer.

Our aim is to raise the profile of UK universities in the Americas region by promoting the range of free online summer programs or courses on offer in the UK, particularly during a time when prospective students may be at home more and have more time available to devote to online courses.

The campaign will consist of one organic social media post on the Study UK Facebook and Instagram page per university submission. The campaign will also consist of one e-mail to the student and counselor/agent e-mail lists in the region with a list of all the free summer online courses which are featured in the campaign.

This campaign is limited to promoting free summer online courses. This campaign does not include promoting paid-for courses or general promotion. If you are interested in opportunities to promote paid-for courses or general university promotion, please ask us about our direct marketing services.

This campaign will be limited to one submission per university.

Content will be promoted in: Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Brazil, Canada and the United States.

How to participate:

To be included in our campaign, please submit the following to
•(1) paragraph description of the free summer online courses on offer at your university. This content will be used in the social media post
•(1) image to accompany the social media post
•Any relevant tags on Facebook or Instagram which you would like us to use in the social media post
•Target audience for courses (e.g. secondary school students, university students, adult learners, etc.)
•Link or links to university website pages

Social media posts will be submitted to the university for approval before they are posted.

To take part in the campaign, please consider the following deadlines:

Send content to Jenna Hartsell by Friday, 17 July. The campaign will run between 27 July – 14 August.

Action Required

Contact our team before Friday, 17 July:
Jenna Hartsell
Education Manager
International Education Services

Free online summer sessions.pdf202.03 KB