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  • Free Promotion: Alumni Testimonial Capsules (Colombia Exhibition 2017)

Free Promotion: Alumni Testimonial Capsules (Colombia Exhibition 2017)

UK Institutions are invited to promote their institution through the eyes of their current students. Institutions will be requested to submit short videos recorded by their alumni on their mobile devices (smartphones, tablets etc).

Videos can contain any of the following information but the purpose will be to share their everyday experience of living and studying at your institution and in the UK:

  • Last 20 seconds
  • Introduction: Names, university, course and year of study
  • Their favourite place on campus
  • Routes taken to the campus/ lectures etc.
  • Favourite places to visit when not studying (in the UK – preferably in the town where their campus is located)
  • Other interesting ideas are welcome.

How to participate:

  • Only UK institutions registered to participate in Colombia’s Education UK Exhibition 2017. No fees apply
  • Videos used will be on first come first served basis and quality of sound, light and content
  • UK institutions should Submit video to siemcolombia@britishcouncil.org.co by 9 December 2016.

NB: Videos will be used as part of the promotion of Colombia’s Education UK Exhibition 2017

Action Required

Submit your video to siemcolombia@britishcouncil.org.co by 9 December 2016.