Fellowship opportunity: The Kluge Fellowship

Applications are now open for Kluge Fellowships at the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress. Fellowships are open to scholars in the humanities and social sciences, with special consideration given to those whose projects demonstrate relevance to the challenges facing democracies in the 21st century.

Applicants may be U.S. citizens or foreign nationals. Upon selection, and in accordance with relevant visa regulations, foreign nationals will be assisted in obtaining the appropriate visa.

The application deadline is July 15, 2019, and you can apply online here: https://klugefellowships.fluidreview.com/.

Twelve Kluge Fellowships are awarded each year through a competitive selection process, for a period of four to eleven months. There are currently UK scholars undertaking fellowships at the Kluge Center.

In addition to being open to scholars who have received a terminal advanced degree within the seven years in the humanities, social sciences, or in a professional field such as architecture or law, the fellowship is now open to researchers without the terminal degree in their field whose proposal meets the criteria for scholarly merit and demonstrates relevance to contemporary challenges.

Since the inception of the Kluge Center, dozens of Kluge Fellows have gone on to distinguished academic careers; many have made lasting contributions as public intellectuals. Read more about the application and selection process: https://www.loc.gov/programs/john-w-kluge-center/chairs-fellowships/fell....


Action Required

The application deadline is July 15, 2019, and you can apply online here: https://klugefellowships.fluidreview.com/.
Read more about the application and selection process: https://www.loc.gov/programs/john-w-kluge-center/chairs-fellowships/fell....