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Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong (HKU FBE) is looking for UK partners

Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong (HKU FBE) is looking for UK partners interested in (i) establishing undergraduate exchange partnership; and (ii) sending students to take part in the Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship in China (CIEC) Summer Programme.

(i) Undergraduate Exchange Partnership

About Undergraduate Exchange

HKU FBE has, currently, more than 70 exchange partners across the globe. More than 400 undergraduate students are sent every year to study abroad, and HKU FBE reciprocally receives a similar number of students from over the world.  

Requirement & Responsibility

The selected UK partner and HKU FBE will be expected to:

  • sign an undergraduate exchange agreement
  • select and nominate their students to participate in the exchange programme
  • receive students reciprocally
  • grant tuition fee waivers for the exchange students
  • provide support for the exchange students in terms of course selection, visa application, accommodation and orientation

(ii) Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship in China (CIEC) Summer Programme

About the Programme

CIEC is a 3-week summer programme which takes place in the end of June to mid-July every year, with the first week in Hong Kong and the remaining two weeks in the southern part of Mainland China. It offers two HKU 6-credit courses, namely Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship in China I (focuses on Economics), and Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship in China II (focuses on Entrepreneurship and Innovation). These 12 credits are transferrable to satisfy credit requirements of the curricula of overseas universities. The Programme offers experiential learning opportunities to students in a more flexible setting than a regular degree curriculum. Aside from formal classroom learning (lectures and interactive in-class discussions), guest speeches, visits to corporate firms and start-ups, group projects & presentations and city explorations will also be arranged in Hong Kong, Macau, and other regions within the Greater Bay Area, the most fast-growing region in Mainland China. All these activities encourage interactions and knowledge exchange among HKU students, international students, Faculty members and industry representatives.

Benefits for the UK partner

This is an opportunity for the selected UK partner to identify students who are interested in acquiring in-depth understanding and knowledge of the latest development of economics, finance, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship within the Greater Bay Area of Mainland China to participate in this summer programme.

Requirement & Responsibility

The selected UK partner will be expected to:

  • promote the programme to students of all years and from different disciplines through the dissemination of promotional materials such as posters, leaflets and brochures
  • forward students’ enquiries concerning the programme to staff of HKU FBE
  • assist students to transfer the credits earned from the programme to their own curricula

HKU FBE will be responsible for:

  • providing promotional materials to the UK partner for dissemination to students
  • answering students’ enquiries concerning the programme
  • providing guidelines for students during the visa applications process
  • arranging all programme logistics in Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China, such as accommodation, classrooms, transportations, some meals & etc.
  • ensuring that students have a safe and fruitful experience throughout the programme

About HKU

The University of Hong Kong, Asia’s Global University, delivers impact through internationalisation, innovation and interdisciplinarity. It attracts and nurtures global scholars through excellence in research, teaching and learning, and knowledge exchange. It makes a positive social contribution through global presence, regional significance and engagement with the rest of China.

Action Required

Please contact Anna Lee at anna.lee@britishcouncil.org.hk if you are interested.