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  • Extended Deadline - Call for Expression of Interest - Innovation for African Universities - Funding available £700,000

Extended Deadline - Call for Expression of Interest - Innovation for African Universities - Funding available £700,000

The British Council is seeking joint partnership applications from 1 UK and 1 SSA University to serve as the centre of excellence for the implementation of its recently launched Innovation for African Universities’(IAU)  project . 

The IAU is  a learning and collaboration platform which brings together Universities in the UK and SSA to engage, interact and learn from one another with the aim of developing mutually beneficial partnerships that strengthen the capacity and capability of Higher Education systems in both locations and increase their capability to participate and provide meaningful contributions as key players within the entrepreneurship ecosystem. 

Key Project Information
Duration – 18 months
Budget - £700,000 
Locations – Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa

For more information on the opportunity, please refer to the attached terms of reference, expression of interest (EOI) , EOI forms and draft grant agreement. 

Action Required

If you are interested in this opportunity, please submit a completed expression of interest (EOI) form to HE.Nigeria@ng.britishcouncil.org.

The deadline for this opportunity is 19 February 2021, 11.59pm UK Time

For further enquires and clarification, please register to attend the clarification session with the project team, detailed as follows:

Date : Wednesday 10 February 2021
Time : 01:00pm GMT
To register: https://bit.ly/Iaucall

Please find detailed project information in the attached Terms of Reference.