English Teachers' Workshop China 2012 - Invitation to tender

English Teachers’ Workshops, which will be held during 2012-2013 in china, are now open for tender.

In order to gradually increase recognition of the British Council and the rest of the UK ELT sector as a world authority in the teaching and learning of English, English Project Team has brought teachers together through interactive workshops, providing hands-on advice on how to teach English communicatively since 2009.

By organising the bi-monthly English Teachers’ Workshop Road Show, we directly reach over 10,000 participants from 10 cities every year and we are more connected with local education authorities.

We are inviting applications from trainers for a further four rounds of workshops in 2012-2013, aimed at reaching 10,000 participants by continuing to provide practical ideas for teachers. We hope more and more teachers will become familiar with our website, using British Council content in their daily teaching and sharing their experiences and interests with each other.

Please contact Sharon Wong, English Project Officer, for more information.

Action Required

All trainers/consultants from the British Council accredited UK ELT schools or language centres of universities, who have at least five years of recent EFL teacher/trainer training experience, will have opportunities to work on Teacher Training Projects in China.

Please email your application to join the tender by the end of 23rd May 2012 to sharon.wang@britishcouncil.org.cn.