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Engage audience in Taiwan online and offline: Study UK Guide 2017/18

Written in local language, the Study UK guide has built on previous success which we would like to replicate annually here in Taiwan, bringing the excellence and benefits of UK education closer thought the adequate provision of information, by sharing best student experiences and increasing the level of digital engagement with online audiences.

New addition to the 2017/18 guidebook
Study UK guide is structured with sector specific content which includes student / alumni testimonials, institution branded marketing materials and everything that a student needs to know about studying and living in the UK - from banking to socialising.

The 2017/18 edition will be addressing the following subjects in response to market development in Taiwan for overseas studies.

  • International Foundation programmes
  • Short-term studies
  • Scholarships

Great values the Study UK Guide provides

  • Year-round audience engagement, reaching out to an estimated 25,000+ audience across Taiwan
  • Joint promotion with British Council English & Exams and local stakeholders
  • Trusted (and downloadable) sources of information recognised by key influencers such as agents, parents and career counsellors
  • Profile-raising opportunity at affordable cost

This annual publication offers more than a guide to UK education in many ways. It showcases the quality of education delivered in the UK, conveys heartfelt messages by individuals and promotes institutions through their areas of strength and courses. More profoundly it aims at navigating prospective students through their decision making journey to study in the UK.

We are therefore inviting institutions to join us in this opportunity, to promote the UK in a competitive market like Taiwan.

Audience, distribution and marketing options
This guidebook is for current students and parents considering progression to the UK education system, and for people with an interest in UK qualifications, disseminated a broad range of marketing channels as follows.  

  • Social media (British Council managed Facebook Fan Pages), with 40,000 impressions
  • British Council outreach presentations, with 1,000 audience reach
  • Over 50 education agents
  • Over 30,000 British Council e-newsletter subscribers
  • 14 study abroad centres in local universities
  • 3 public libraries in partnership with British Council
  • British Council exhibitions, with 8,000 visitors
  • Study abroad fairs in local universities
  • Information sessions hosted by government bodies
  • Meetings with local stakeholders

The Study UK guide will be introduced in September 2017 and will be available for massive distribution at the Study UK School Tour and European Education Fair Taiwan, October 2017


  • Print size: A5 - (W)145 mm x (H) 210 mm
  • Number of copies: 7,500

Fee (VAT will incur in the final billing)
£600 for one-page print-ready advertisement and one-page of student/alumni testimonial
£600 for double-page print-ready advertisement
£350 for one-page, print-ready advertisement
The cost includes printing, mailing and management fee.

Booking for a place
Please complete and return the attached booking form to Carol Lin (carol.lin@britishcouncil.org.tw)  by 31st July 2017. Study UK Guide is to be printed and promoted in September 2017.

Action Required

Please complete and return the attached booking form with promotional materials to Carol Lin (carol.lin@britishcouncil.org.tw) by 31 July 2017.