Education UK Student Ambassadors Scheme in Hong Kong

British Council Hong Kong is once again looking for student ambassadors to work in the Hong Kong office over the summer. These positions are aimed at Hong Kong students aged 15 or above (by 4 July 2016) who are currently studying in the UK. This year, we are looking for three or four outgoing, bright students with an engaging personality.

The ambassadors will work with the Programmes team in Hong Kong on projects related to promoting UK education, including helping at the Education UK exhibitions, pre-departure briefings, and as student spokespersons in media articles and interviews.

The ambassadors will also have the opportunity to work at other departments at the British Council office.

A career advice consultation session by an external organisation will also be offered to the appointed student ambassadors as part of professional development.

The programme is a paid internship, and would be highly beneficial for students’ professional and personal development, as well as encouraging more students to study in the UK.

Details of the programme can be found here:

For institutions that have replied to our Call for Interest to sponsor the programme earlier, we will further liaise with you on the arrangements if the student candidate from your Institution is appointed.

Action Required

We would be grateful if you could forward the information to relevant students who may be interested in applying. Please do not forward this message directly as students are not able to access this website.

Application deadline is Saturday 30 April 23:59 UK Time

Please contact Stella Wong at if you have any questions.