Education UK Newsletter Malaysia

Following the overwhelming response from UK institutions on the 1st issue of our Education UK Newsletter, we are now preparing our 2nd issue (to be distributed in August 2013).

Our target audience

Students, School counsellors and Teaching staff from:

  • Public/private/international schools
  • A level colleges
  • Polytechnics
  • Higher education institutions


Objective of newsletter

  • Promote the UK as the first choice of an overseas destination
  • Provide UK institutions with an affordable option to create brand awareness in Malaysia


Number of Copies

  • 15,000


Advertising opportunity:

We would like to invite UK schools/ colleges/ universities to feature your institution by placing your advertisement in the Education UK Newsletter.

Advertisement can be either full-page or half-page. With each advertisement, we are offering you free article space on one of the topics listed below. You can also give a short brief / hightlight of your institution at the end of your article. Total word count for both article and institution brief should not be more than 300 words.
(Note: please send an accompanying picture with the article and ensure the picture you send is copyright-free or royalty-free)


Full-page £500
Half page £300

Suggested topics for articles:

We would like to encourage you to consider articles highlighting some of the below topics:

1) Preparation for UK bound students
2) Applying for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary
3) UCAS - clearing
4) Biosciences / Engineering in the UK

Material specifications:

Advertisement artwork format:

  • PDF with crop marks or AI with crop marks
  • In full colour, high resolution, 300 dpi.
  • Half page size: 25cm W X 17cm H or full-page size: 25cm W X 34cm H
  • Please forward the artwork, together with the article and the photo to British Council’s YouSendIt account latest by 10 June 2013:


Dropbox URL:

Action Required

We would like to invite UK schools/ colleges/ universities to feature your institution by placing your advertisement in the Education UK Newsletter. 

Please fill in the enclosed application form and return to June Lo by 20 May 2013 via fax or email. Acceptance is on a first-come basis due to limitation of advertisement space.