Education UK Exhibition Indonesia March 2013 Report

The March Education UK Exhibition attracted 41 exhibitors and over 3000 visitors over the two days. The event also comprised a networking dinner, a UK Brand mini expo and an alumni job fair.

Here are some feedbacks from participants:

  • I particularly liked the no banner approach.
  • The layout/organisation was very good.
  • Thank you I will return next year.
  • Push ahead with the undergraduate pathways exhibition!
  • Overall very good exhibition and hospitality.
  • Excellent – very well organized.
  • Good value for money.
  • Very professional and spot on.
  • Superb.
  • A very good exhibition - non-stop customers.
  • Useful market briefing.
  • I loved the setup, especially the background.
  • Very impressive – I liked the additional events and displays (How did they get the Jaguar up to the 4th floor?)
  • The networking event was great!
  • Very good presentation, especially booth design.
  • Very professional internal/external branding and the stand looked professional.
  • Jakarta is more than just business enquiries.
  • Excellent promo by BC.
  • Very good. Like the fact it used Facebook to promote the event also.
  • It definitely was one of the best BC exhibitions I have attended and we look forward to participating in November.

Please refer to the enclosed event report for more details.