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Education UK Certificate for Education Agents or Education Advisers in Indonesia, 1 October – 30 November 2015

The United Kingdom has a long history of welcoming international students and remains as one of the most popular countries for overseas students. In addition, the long list of alumni of British institutions has made their mark on the world, reflecting the quality and excellence of the education system. A tradition of excellence combined with flexibility and innovation, as well as vibrant UK life has attracted students all over the world to pursue their higher education in the country. Most UK degree courses are not as long as those in the US which means that the students will be committing less time and money to their studies.

Based on the data from UK Visa and Immigration, the number of Indonesian students pursuing their study to UK has increased 19,4% from 2013/2014. The research by the British Council also shows that UK becomes one of the top destinations for the students to continue their higher education.

As the UK’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations, The British Council creates international opportunities for the people of the UK and other countries and builds trust between them worldwide. It is also incorporated by Royal Charter in 1940 as a public corporation, a charity and an executive non-departmental public body with operational independence from the UK government

This training programme enables the agents:
1. to promote UK education effectively and provide high-quality consultancy, information, resources and services to potential international students;
2. to source and up-date their information regularly, so that agents will be better prepared to answer the questions from the potential students, as well as to give them an overview of what it is like living in the UK.

Action Required

Please inform your agents that this training is now available and encourage them to participate.

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