Education UK Alumni Network

Education UK Alumni Network (USA)

The Education UK Alumni Network creates opportunities for UK universities to engage with recent graduates from the last decade, to involve alumni in raising the profile of UK higher education and to provide on-going support to universities’ on-the-ground alumni relation efforts in the USA.

The British Council will work with British universities, leaders from the volunteer alumni community in-country and government departments to overcome three consistent challenges in international alumni relations: 

• Insufficient contactable alumni in order to deliver successful alumni relations programming
• Limited support to alumni groups looking to develop their activities
• Limited funding for global alumni relations

The Education UK Alumni Network (USA) will be piloted in 2015 – 2016 in New York City to establish a model for robust alumni relations programming. As the programme develops, the service will be expanded to other key cities throughout the USA.

Through the network, universities will be able to collaborate in the delivery of the following event types hosted at the British Consulate General and external venues:

• Pre-departure and network event for applicants, offer holders and alumni (panel and networking)
• Welcome to NYC event with career emphasis for recent arrivals (half-day event with networking)
• Five industry specific networking events (panel/presentation and networking)

Events will be promoted by universities directly and by the British Council via our website, social media, newsletter and paid social media advertising. Each participating university will receive a report listing their alumni engagement with the events, including RSVP and attendee data. 

In addition to network events, all participating universities will be able to cross-promote their own alumni events through the British Council website and the newly established alumni newsletter. This will enable greater collaboration between British universities to broaden the reach of individual events. 

Programme dates (provisional):

19 November 2015: Science industry event and programme launch

20 January 2016: Finance industry event and networking

18 February 2016: Fashion industry event and networking

21 April 2016: Non-profit industry event and networking

18 May 2016: Higher education industry event and networking

23 June 2016: Pre-departure briefing

22 September 2016: Recent arrivals event

Cost per institution:

·        £12 per person per event (based on 25 guaranteed per insitution)-total cost: £2,100

·        Excludes VAT (five per cent surcharge for in-country payments)

·        British Council and GREAT funding will match up to £20,000 for the pilot programme

Each university is guaranteed event capacity for up to 25 alumni on a first come, first served basis based on RSVPs up to two weeks prior to the event. Remaining event capacity will be filled on a first come, first served basis. 

Action Required

Institutions may register for the Education UK Alumni Network at :

Registration deadline: 23 October 2015