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East Asia UK Scholarships E-Book & Study UK Guide E-Book 2021-22

Your opportunity to be featured and promoted across more than 10 countries in East Asia!

The British Council East Asia (EA) team is delighted to invite UK institutions to contribute content to the first editions of the East Asia Publications for 2021-22.

Register now to confirm your participation and have your institution featured in the:

  • East Asia Study UK Guide E-book for - guidance on studying in the UK and institution profiles
  • East Asia UK Scholarships E-book - information on UK institution scholarships available for applicants from East Asia

Both publications will provide one-stop solutions to promote and introduce key features of UK qualifications and scholarships to EA students/applicants for

  • Priority markets: Mainland China, Hong Kong China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam
  • Additional markets: Brunei, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan

The EA publications will primarily be in English, and translations will be provided for China, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Print copies will also be distributed at offline British Council education marketing events across EA (offline events dependent on Covid-19 restrictions).

The EA Publications will be promoted to prospective foundation/pathway/school students, prospective undergraduate students, prospective postgraduate students, parents of prospective students, counsellors, agents, networks of education institutions in each country through:

  • Social media promotion
  • Study UK email marketing
  • British Council website and social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
  • British Council IELTS and Teaching centres: promotional emails
  • Networks of in-country education institutions and counsellor networks: promotional emails
  • Education agents: promotional emails
  • Weibo and WeChat

Benefits for partner UK institutions:

  • Profile raising and brand positioning across East Asia
  • Being featured in popular, widely disseminated British Council publications for the target audience of students and student influencers across the region
  • Positioning as institutions featured in collated exclusive UK focussed education publications
  • Region wide dissemination, with translated versions in key markets
  • Estimated reach of 1,200,000 per publication including digital promotion, anticipated downloads, and dissemination to all partner networks across the region
  • Be featured and profiled in the only publications for EA to offer this information as a one-stop solution to facilitate students and support student conversion

Details on timeline, partnership fee and placement spots available:

Institutions are invited to select and book placement spots in the e-books as per the following; bookings will be confirmed on a first come first serve basis.



Details and participation fee (excluding VAT)

Study UK Guide e-Book



Extended deadline for UK institution to express interest: 8 October 2021

Extended deadline to receive content: 15 October 2021

Design, translations, confirmation and production: 11 – 29 October 2021

Promotion and publish: 5 Nov 2021

  • one profile page: £1,200
  • spread pages (one profile page and one advertorial page): £1,600
  • inside front cover advertorial page: £2,200
  • inside back cover advertorial page: £2,200 (inside back cover not available for China/Chinese edition)

UK Scholarships e-Book


Deadline for UK institution to express interest: 30 November 2021

Deadline to receive content: 21 January 2022

Design, translations, confirmation and production: 1 – 28 February 2022

Promotion and publish 2nd week March 2022

  • one scholarship page: £1,200
  • spread pages (one advertorial page and one scholarship page): £1,600
  • one scholarship page and inside front cover advertorial page: £2,200
  • one scholarship page and inside back cover advertorial page: £2,200


Please note:

* If your institution participated in the March 2021 edition of the Study UK Guide booklet for China, your profile will be included in the Autumn 2021 edition for China only. If you would like to make any updates to your profile, please contact Mandy Deng at British Council China (mandy.deng@britishcouncil.org.cn).  

* For the English and Chinese versions of the Study UK Guide E-book, we will provide an E-book that can be viewed on mobile phones. Here is an example link from the previous E-book (Chinese version) https://x.eqxiu.com/s/6yAUhhzS?bt=yxy 

* British Council reserves the right to cancel the production of both EA Publications if the minimum number of 10 partner institutions is not met.

* Partner institutions will receive the designed e-publications for review of their content/pages with one chance to accommodate any change to edit or amend content before final publishing and promotion.

* Should partner institutions choose to use non-UK based offices or accounts to confirm participation, the British Council bookkeeping rate for exchange rates will be applicable for partnership fee/costs.

    Action Required

    How to Apply

    • Study UK Guide E-book
      Interested institutions are required to confirm their participation via this online form. Extended deadline for UK institution to express interest: Friday, 8 October 2021 
    • UK Scholarships E-book
      Interested institutions are requested to confirm their participation via this online formDeadline for UK institution to express interest: Tuesday, 30 November 2021

    Contact Information: 

    For any further clarifications/queries please contact: