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The East Asia Opportunities – a summary of opportunities and activities across EA – posted 16 to 30 November 2021

The East Asia Opportunities presents a collated list of opportunities and activities for UK institutions to register for and participate in across East Asia.

Join us for the workshop on ‘Project 89’ in Vietnam to be part of discussions on potential UK-Vietnam collaborations for professional development of academic staff in Vietnamese higher education institutions, share your expression of interest to be part of the ‘Knowledge is GREAT’ Lecture Series at Singapore, explore partnership and consultancy opportunities for ‘Strengthening Leadership with Gender, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity at Higher Education Institutions in the Greater Mekong Subregion and Timor-Leste project’ and review the Cultural Dividend reports from six ASEAN countries.

We look forward to having you with us across these opportunities

Report: Measuring the Cultural Dividend – How does interest in overseas culture impact study decisions

The Cultural Dividend reports from six ASEAN countries analyse the links between the interest people have in overseas culture and their interest to interact with overseas countries for study, travel, or business purposes.

To read the reports from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam click here.

Opportunity: Partnership and Consultancy Opportunities for Strengthening Leadership with Gender, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity (EDI) at Higher Education Institutions in the Greater Mekong Subregion and Timor-Leste Project

British Council Thailand is working with SEAMEO RIHED to develop a sustainable network of leaders among Southeast Asian and UK universities to enhance gender, equity, diversity, and inclusivity in higher education. The opportunities include:

  • Call for proposals from UK Consultants to participate in the project entitled Strengthening Leadership with Gender EDI at Higher Education Institutions in the Greater Mekong Subregion and Timor-Leste
  • Call for participation in the project entitled Strengthening Leadership with Gender EDI at Higher Education Institutions in the Greater Mekong Subregion and Timor-Leste

To read complete details click here.

Opportunity: Workshop on Project 89 - building sustainable UK-Vietnam partnership for capacity enhancement

Register now to attend the workshop on Project 89, a Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training  programme aimed at enhancing professional development for academic staff at Vietnam HEIs through master/PhD scholarships training in Vietnam, overseas or TNE. The workshop aims to introduce Project 89 as an opportunity for UK-Vietnam partnerships in masters and PhD/joint PhD training programmes. For details click here.

Opportunity: UK institutions invited to share Expressions of Interest for the British Council Singapore ‘Knowledge is GREAT’ Lecture Series 2022

British Council Singapore is inviting expressions of interest from UK higher education institutions to participate in the ‘Knowledge is GREAT’ Lecture Series 2022. The lectures, delivered by leading UK specialists, showcase the UK's knowledge, creativity and innovation in areas of topical debate and discussion, and provide a platform for UK higher education institutions to raise the profile of their expertise in specific areas of relevance to Singapore.  For details on how to participate click here.