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  • The East Asia Fortnightly Round-up – a summary of recently announced opportunities and activities. Register now to confirm your interest!

The East Asia Fortnightly Round-up – a summary of recently announced opportunities and activities. Register now to confirm your interest!

Join now and register for a wide range of promotional activities that have been recently announced to support engagement with the target audiences of prospective students, counsellors, agents, influencers and key contacts in education sectors across all East Asia markets.

Shared below are direct links to selected programmes that have been announced recently.

In addition to the following, the East Asia team are also working on activities announced prior to this and bespoke services across all East Asia markets.

East Asia Thematic Webinar Series and Digital Promotion Campaign 2.0 – March 2021

Last chance to register for selected disciplines. The Thematic Webinars engage audiences in China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. Present on selecetd themes for prospective undergraduate and postgraduate applicants to showcase your institution’s expertise across different faculties and disciplines. For details click here.

China Thematic Media Campaign – Phase 1: April – June 2021 & Phase 2: June – July 2021

The China Thematic Media Campaign will run in two phases and facilitate media promotions and a virtual exhibition. The promotions will feature articles, images and videos, social media campaign and virtual exhibition. For details click here.

Alumni Video Campaign 2021 – China, Vietnam & Thailand: Promote your institution through inspiring alumni stories

Register now to showcase alumni success stories and engage prospective student audiences. Two-minute videos will be produced and promoted across popular digital channels across the three markets. For complete details click here.

Speaking opportunity at the British Council China Study UK Counsellors’ Workshop – 10 March 2021

The China Study UK Counsellors Workshop is taking place in early March. Present on a variety of topics including subject trends, course structures, entry requirements, employment prospects or alumni experience and more. For details click here.