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Direct Marketing Opportunity – Study UK: Discover You USA e-newsletter

Do you want to reach prospective students in the United States? Place an advertisement in future editions of the Study UK: Discover You USA e-newsletter. Spots are still available for 2017-18.

The Study UK: Discover You e-newsletter provides UK institutions an affordable, high-quality and consistent channel to engage with a targeted audience of prospective US students. The e-newsletters are sent once a month to the British Council USA’s database of over 5,000 prospective students who have expressed interest in studying in the UK by attending a British Council USA event or signing up to receive the e-newsletter.

Advertisements can highlight new courses at your institution, scholarships, new sessions or specific subjects, your campus, offers for international students and local events like pre-departure briefings or opportunities to meet your staff in country. 

The e-newsletter content consists of practical advice on choosing and applying to a UK university, financing studies, accommodation, visas, places to visit, cultural adventures, as well as market-specific information including scholarships, alumni success stories and local events. You can view an example of the March 2017 e-newsletter at https://britishcouncilsiem.createsend.com/t/ViewEmail/t/05212056E33E9C73/C67FD2F38AC4859C/?tx=0&previewAll=1&print=1.

One display advertisement and two advertorial advertisements are available in each month's e-newsletter.

Advertisement specifications and rates:

Display advertisement
£400 (excl. VAT) 
Image (72dpi, 600px x 74px) plus link 

Advertorial advertisement
£500 (excl. VAT) 
Image (72dpi, 195px x 113px) plus link plus 50 words free text (exclusive of 40 character title)

Action Required

Advertisement bookings can be made via the survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/StudyUKDiscoverYouNewsletter. Confirmation will be sent shortly after you have submitted the survey form. 

Please contact Jenna Hartsell at Jenna.Hartsell@britishcouncil.org with any questions.