Digital gallery event for Art and Design institutions

In line with other online promotions, British Council Korea is planning to organise a digital gallery event with the title ‘How arty are you?”.
As Art & Design is the most popular subject area for Korean students to study in the UK, this event is specifically designed for Art and Design institutions.


  • Visitors will view the artworks of current students or alumni on our Flickr account and will share the piece they like the most on their own facebook/twitter account. The institution’s name and a short comment will be mentioned along with the artwork. At the end of the event, we will give out small prizes to selective participants (WOM marketing). We are aiming to get a minimum of 100 people viewing and sharing the artworks and the institutions involved
  • This will be a good opportunity to work actively online, raise the profile of Art & Design courses in the UK and promote the excellence of their students’ artwork
  • The institution with the most shared artwork will be introduced on our BC blog after the event. This will stay on our blog for more than 2 years (Average number of visitors for our BC blog per quarter is 45,000)
  • Target: Students interested in culture, art, design, studying abroad


  • Duration: one month, starting from 17 March 2014
  • Recruitment: seven Art institutions (closing date 21 February 2014)
  • Maximum of five artworks per institution (deadline 28 February 2014)
  • Participation fee GBP 1,200


Key note:

  • The art work sent to us will be posted up on our Flickr account and BC blog. Please make sure there is no copyright infringement
  • Artwork should be sent to our dropbox (ID: PW: educationuk)
  • Artwork size: 1024 pixel

Action Required

For those interested, please send your further enquiries to Sinae Kang (Education Marketing Officer) by 21 February 2014.