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Department for International Trade (DIT) Jakarta is inviting interest from UK institutions interested in expanding partnerships in Indonesia

The Department for International Trade Jakarta is at an early stage of partnership with a private company who manage a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) to explore Transnational Education (TNE) partnership in Indonesia.

The SEZ is located in East Java where there is potential for international education with a focus on digital technology.

The Indonesian private company is interested to partner with UK Universities who want to expand their partnerships in Indonesia. The partnership model will be determined upon consultation with potential partners.


Potential partner from the UK should:

• allocate sufficient time and resources to navigate the preparation and approval process in Indonesia

• have solid knowledge and experiences in Southeast Asia. Prior knowledge and experiences in Indonesian market would be useful, and preferably have experiences of establishing significant TNE portfolio in other countries

• be able to provide a concrete plan for TNE partnership and programme development


In the medium-term, the Indonesian private company will:

• be open to discussion on the partnership model and other technical details

• work together with the UK university to secure an approval from the Ministry of Education and Culture


The Ministry of Education and Culture, through Independent Campus initiative, encourages more Indonesian universities to partner with foreign universities. The Ministry also introduced regulations which provide clearer guidance in setting up a partnership with foreign universities. These initiatives and regulations will open up more opportunities for UK Universities interested in Indonesia.

Sign off line

Express your interest to the Department for International Trade team in Jakarta.

All submissions will be reviewed and you will be notified of any potential next steps. You can only express your interest if you are a UK registered company.

Deadline for proposals

30 Apr 2021

Action Required

UK institutions interested in submitting an Expression of Interest are required to prepare and submit a proposal before 30 April 2021.
The interest should be addressed to: Department for International Trade, Jakarta

Interested UK institutions are advised to undertake due diligence and in-depth market analysis to determine feasibility and long term sustainability of any such TNE ventures.

For information and queries, please contact: Muhaimin.Syamsuddin@britishcouncil.org